pregnant woman practising hypnobirthing

WTF is Hypnobirthing?

KG Hypnobirthing is a complete in-depth antenatal training programme designed to release fear and build confidence during birth.

You will learn about the procedures that are routine in hospital and your alternatives, so you and your birth partner can make informed decisions with confidence that they are the best for you and your baby. 

You will also learn how to combine relaxation, breathing techniques and visualisations to help you concentrate on your body and the birth of your baby.

Pregnant Black Woman Hypnobirthing in Bedroom

Katharine Graves, founder of KG Hypnobirthing and the Hypnobirthing Association has developed and adapted the course over the years in response to client feedback and the needs of mothers, birth partners and babies. Her outstanding knowledge and skills have resulted in a comprehensive, in-depth antenatal course being accepted as the premier UK course for professionals and parents alike.

KG Hypnobirthing is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. 

As a society, we have been conditioned to fear birth, with a constant depiction of birth in the mainstream media as traumatic. Over time this constant stream of negativity has changed our outlook and trust in the safety of the physiological process of birth and we’ve learnt to store birth in our subconscious as dangerous, unbearably painful and unachievable.

The knock on effect is that in labour, many of us go into “fight or flight”, which inhibits a lot of the ingenious mechanisms that support us to birth comfortably and efficiently. During this course we will learn more about the science behind this and techniques to encourage an easier labour with less need for intervention or pain relief.


  • The more practice you can get in the better but it’s also never too late in your pregnancy to start.

    I would recommend starting soon after your 20-week scan as this will give you plenty of time to practise before the arrival of your little one.

    The aim of Hypnobirthing is familiarity, not perfection. Being well-practised with your relaxation and breathing techniques means you can easily relax during labour without having to think about the techniques.

  • No, it would be very wrong for me to promise you that. But many people come to Hypnobirthing because they’ve heard positive stories of pain-free births but they leave the course with so much more than that.

    What we do know is the effect of lots of mindfulness, relaxations, breathing techniques and a very clear understanding of how our birthing muscles and hormones work most efficiently can absolutely reframe the way we experience pain and help to make labour much more manageable & calm, and for some entirely painless. 

  • No, and whilst it is true that lots of people who do Hypnobirthing do opt for a drug-free home birth, not everyone wants to do that. Where you choose to birth your baby is a very personal decision and I have no agenda in terms of promoting any particular birth setting over another. 
Part of the course discusses the various birthplace options and what is available to you in each and from there, you make the decisions that are right for you.

  • Yes. Birth partners have an important role in labour and birth and attending courses can really help ensure they are best prepared to support you.

    In fact, evidence shows continual support in labour reduces the need for medical pain relief methods.

  • The group classes are held at Wild Health in Leigh on Sea.

  • I am happy to work with new clients based in the Essex & East London areas.

Still have questions? Let’s chat.

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