Scarlett’s Birth Story
I gave birth at 39+ 3 and I was very lucky to have had had a very straight forward & easy pregnancy. Scarlett x
Everyone always tells you that your first baby normally comes late so I was preparing for that! On the Sunday I woke up as normal went to a tile shop and picked tiles for our new bathroom, we then went round our sister/ brother in laws as normal & had a dominos for dinner. I felt completely normal all day with no idea labour would be starting soon!
We went to bed around 10:30pm and I just couldn't get to sleep, I was uncomfortable! I got up went ‹ downstairs and watched tv. I kept feeling like I was really constipated and needed to go to the loo. I had a coffee at midnight and went for a walk, doing anything to try and sort it out the constipated feeling, but nothing worked. I still had no idea labour was starting!
Then I had a bath, I have no idea why as although I do love baths, I would never have one at 1am!
I got in the bath and there was a bit of blood in the water so I got out and wiped and there was a bit more. We called the hospital to let them know & they said if you aren't having contractions just wait a bit as it's too early to come in.
About 30 minutes later I was definitely having contractions and they were getting closer together very quickly! I remember saying to James I'm trying to push the baby out in our downstairs bathroom'! We called back and they asked us to time them and then said come in when we told them the timings. We got to the hospital about 4am I was having contractions in the car but luckily we only lived 2 minutes away from the hospital and it was the middle of the night so there was no traffic on the roads.
We got to the ward & there was a wheelchair waiting for me, the midwife checked me in the hallway and said oh yes I can see the head, you're ready'.
We went into the birthing room & I got straight on all 4s on the floor and Henrietta came within around 45 minutes of getting to the hospital!
I did try to use gas and air but I just couldn't get the hang of it so flung it across the room half way through pushing. After she was born I had the injection for the placenta and I did have gas and air whilst the placenta was coming out.
I had a 2nd degree tear but other than that I was fine but baby Henriettas eyes were very bruised for a few weeks because the birth was so quick but apart from the bruises she was perfect. I did stay in hospital for one night as my blood pressure was it was very high after the birth and they had to wait for it to come down.
I had a very positive experience giving birth which I'm very thankful for. I had originally planned for a home birth but as labour came on so quickly and there was blood present we felt more comfortable going into the hospital and ended up having a really experience in the end and all the midwives were absolutely amazing!